The snowy lake
Hundreds of thousands of German tourists drive past this lake and have no idea how beautiful it is in winter. In the summer it is easy to spot and is mostly spotted driving by. But in winter it is mostly hidden under a dense white layer of ice and is not recognized from the street. It's a shame, because it's also particularly photogenic in winter.
The lake is the Fernsteinsee in Austria. It is located on the well-known Fernpassstraße road in Tyrol, just before the German border. It is (in summer) one of the most crystal-clear bathing lakes in the world, but it is also very cold in summer. In winter it is lonely and deserted, but those who walk a few steps along the shore at their own risk and responsibility will be impressed by its uniqueness.
With a bit of luck you will meet a swan that uses the last de-iced lake spots for swimming. The view from the lake in the direction of Fernstein Castle is particularly impressive. In good weather, some great photos are guaranteed. Important: The Fernsteinsee is privately owned. Please respect any orders or prohibitions. Don't risk yourself on the ice.