St. Peter Church

If you want to visit a secluded church with a breathtaking view, this is the place for you: St. Peter's Church near town of Weerberg. The church is easy to reach, it is located on a hill just before Weerberg.

St. Peter's Church near Weerberg

4 to 5 cars have space in the small parking lot below the church. Then it's a few minutes' walk uphill, which can also be overcome by older people who are not that fit. At the top you can enjoy a dream view over the Inn Valley.

View from the church over the Inn valley

The church originally dates from the 13th century, but has been rebuilt, enlarged and renovated many times over the years.

St. Peter Church in Tyrol

Arrival: There is a small car park just before the town of Weerberg. Museum: On the way to the church there is a small local museum, the Ralbhaus, which is not always open.